In verses and colorful illustrations Julia Kluge goes on a hunt for centuries-old hunting customs. The close connection of hunting with the development of culture and art goes back to the Paleolithic cave paintings, and since then each epoch had found its own depiction of hunting between necessary food acquisition, mystic ritual, and brutal pastime.

From the medieval times to the 18th century hunting in Central Europe was reserved for the nobility. This power centering culminated in elaborate hate or par force hunts, which were a popular social event at the princely courts. Anyone who wanted to apply something had to prove his sovereignty as a good hunter. This epoch’s excellently decorated hunting books provide the tips, tricks and the technique of the hunting in skurrily beautiful manner. Many a prince wrote his own hunting book in which he praised his abilities into the skies.

In remembrance of these historical hunting books, Julia Kluge drew her own “wise guide”. Her illustrations open a view on a cultural heritage hidden in the undergrowth. The ink drawing’s fine structures are reminiscent of light, which falls through the thick tree tops on the forest floor. Crisp verses attack the once secret language of the huntsmen. The result is a book to be enjoyed with a wink that reflects the ambivalent relationship between the proud self-image of the hunters and the hunted animals.

„Es äugt das Reh, es scherzt der Hirsch, ach komm doch mit mir auf die Pirsch!“